Who is Cliff Le Clercq? Why would you want to talk to a therapist?

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About us

Cliff Le Clercq is a major figure in the field of recovery and psychotherapy. A highly skilled professional with over 25 years of experience in the treatment of addiction, depression, anxiety, and neurotic disorders.
A gifted therapist, Cliff has a depth of human understanding and genuine compassion for the clients he sees. His positive non-judgemental approach gives many who struggle with life, the confidence required to identify the issues and confront the behaviours that cause their difficulties.

His skill, combined with a “down to earth” approach has helped hundreds confront their addiction take the steps they need to recover, and provide the motivation to take charge of their lives. For many life is an endurance far from the joyful experience they hope for. Despite their efforts, and continual search for happiness they feel disillusioned often depressed, and trapped. Most often this state of unhappiness is due to a loss of self-trust or low self-esteem.

Damaged self-esteem can severely reduce the chances of someone reaching their full potential, and living a fulfilling, contented, and peaceful life. Self-doubt and fear will affect relationships, career opportunities, and general health and happiness. Cliffs working commitment is to enable those who suffer, to develop an inner self-belief and self-awareness. Thus they can experience freedom from fear and limitation and discover inner joy and happiness, and achieve what they have dreamt of for so long.

These results can be achieved using effective therapeutic approaches. Patients, who decide to seek help, will hope for quick and lasting changes. In a fast-paced world, we want rapid results. Brief strategic therapy is a highly effective treatment method that quickly produces significant improvement in symptoms.
In brief therapy, the therapist takes responsibility for working more proactively with the client to treat clinical conditions faster. These methods work on finding solutions and positive outcomes rather than focusing on historical reasons for distress and negative situations. Cliff Le Clerq is a master of brief therapy, using clinical hypnosis as an adjunct tool.

Cliff Le Clercq is an inspiring and deeply respected therapist. His gentle discreet approach to his patients combined with a strong belief in their potential and ability to change has produced wonderful results and enabled many to live fulfilling and rewarding lives.

Life Clinic Jersey can help treat the following conditions:

  • Lifting Depression..without the use of drugs
  • Psychotherapy 
  • Clinical Hypnosis
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Addiction and ongoing recover
  • Smoking cessation
  • Public speaking training
  • Personal and business coaching
  • Fears and phobias
  • Life Coaching
  • Relationship counselling
  • Recovery from break up and divorce
  • Bullying how to STOP it for good
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Obsession and compulsion
  • Low self esteem and codependency
  • Confidence building
  • Anger and stress management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Abandonment and abuse issues
  • Trauma treatment P.T.S.D.

Psychotherapy | Counselling | Clinical Hypnotherapy


"Having known Cliff Le Clercq for something like 40 years as a man of integrity, compassion, and deep commitment to helping others. The professional qualifications he earned in counseling and psychotherapy built on his natural empathy and a great gift for communication. Those qualities meant that, in my time as editor of the Jersey Evening Post, I was happy to commission regular articles from him giving advice on personal problems and how to deal with the stresses of modern life."

Chris Bright

Ex Editor Jersey Evening Post

“I used to thank Cliff for changing my life, I now realise that his treatment gave me the strength to change my own life. That is infinitely more powerful and for that I am truly grateful”

Louise Clark


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